Trobár is committed to offering all of our
events on a pay-what-you-can basis.
Your generous contributions make this possible.
You can also make out a check contribution to:
Trobar Medieval
3460 Granton Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44111
If you are interested in making a recurring donation, we invite you to join our community on Patreon. By contributing to us monthly, at your chosen amount, you get a behind-the-scenes view and access to our archived podcast episodes. Click this link to find out more!
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our wonderful supporters that have contributed financially and in so many other ways. Thank you, thank you!
Paul Abdullah
Andrew Albin
Julie Andrijeski
Mark Aro
Jacob Aronauer
Avaloch Farm Music Institute
George Bakalar
Jeremy Bass
Sophie Benn
Brian Bennetch
Stephen Bloch
Tracy Brubaker
Devin Burke
Alan Choo
Georgia Cowart
Hannah De Priest
Christie & Michael Dennis
Barbara Domski
Nathan Dougherty
Ross Duffin
David Ellis
Sandra Fleming
Pam and John Gibbon
Ellen Hargis
Andrew Hatfield
Rosemary Heredos
Shira Kammen
Naomi Klarreich
Kathleen and Ben Larson
Addi Liu
Ben Malkevitch
Aaron Manela
David McCormick
Margery Meadow
Robert Mealy
Kim and Tom Monroe
Don and Sharon Mullins
Wendy Mullins and June Valient
Debra Nagy
Don Nash
Charlotte Newman
Anna O'Connell
Derek Olsen
Allen Otte
Karen Owen
Deborah Peters
Steven Plank
Peter Pogacar
Julie Rataezyk
Jeanne and Tim Regan
John Romey
Saint Alban's Episcopal Church
Guillermo Salas-Suárez
Adelaide Schaaf
Daniel Shoskes
Corey Shotwell
Bev Simmons
Wiley Smith
S N Steiner
Donna Stewart and Ron Andrico
Matthew and Jeannette Timmons
Tom and Lisa Wadsworth
Cheryl Weston
Diana and Dave Weston
Ken and Stephany Weston
David Wood
Mark Woodworth
Sasha Kaoru Zamler-Carhart