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MuckAbout with Trobár!
Each month Trobár hosts free community-building events where all are invited to participate in merry-making, music-making, and adjacent activities! Guest instructors are frequently brought in to introduce a wide variety of subjects. No previous experience is necessary to participate, only a willingness to try something new! Check out our upcoming events below:
Fall 2024 Schedule
Sunday, Sep 22 at 4pm
Tucker Hall at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
2747 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44106
This September we begin a series of MuckAbouts exploring the first book of polyphonic music printed using movable type: the Harmonice Musices Odhecaton. Participants will be invited to sing or play (at A=440) either from modern editions or from copies of the original print.
RSVP here
Sunday, October 20 at 5:30pm
Haydn Hall at CWRU
11118 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106
Trobár welcomes you to come obsess with us about medieval author Christine de Pizan and the music of her era. As a teaser for our upcoming shows (Oct. 25-26) featuring her proto-feminist work, we introduce you to some of the musical practices prevalent in early 15th c. France, including aural learning, the Guidonian hand and hexachordal solmization, fauxbourdon, mensural notation, and counterpoint. Bring instruments (pitch=A440), voices, and appetites (musical and culinary) for this fun and educational chance to muck about in the 15th century!
RSVP here
Sunday, November 10 at 4pm
The Brownhoist
4403 St Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103
Following up on our summer dance MuckAbout, this November we’ll learn two new dances from the Gresley MS, the earliest extant source of English dance choreographies (c. 1500). Come in comfortable clothes and shoes and/or with an instrument tuned to A440 so that you can join Jonathan in the band.
RSVP here

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